Testing The Sweat Of DUI Defendants

If you are arrested for driving under the influence (DUI), the forms of punishment to expect can truly boggle the mind. For example, take a look at just some common forms of punishment for those arrested for DUI:

  • Jail time or prison time
  • Loss of driving privileges
  • Probation or parole
  • Ignition interlock devices
  • Classes and counseling
  • Community service

and more.

A relatively new way to keep tabs on those arrested for a DUI and those out on bail is the use of a sweat ankle monitor. Read on to learn more about this unique manner of keeping up with a defendant.

Bail or Probation Conditions

The above punishments can be imposed as a condition of being released on bail or as a condition of probation. DUI defendants are often ordered to stop drinking and can be subject to random urine or blood testing while out on bail or on probation. Sweat ankle monitors serve as a check to ensure that the defendant is not violating a condition of bail or probation which could potentially land them back in jail and in even more trouble with the legal system.

What is a Sweat Ankle Monitor?

If you have seen other ankle monitors that keep law enforcement informed about the location of a defendant, these monitors are similar in appearance. Also known as secure continuous remote alcohol monitors, these devices do not send any GPS information back to law enforcement. Instead, they work to analyze the blood alcohol level of a defendant 24 hours a day on a continuous basis. The perspiration on the skin of the defendant is tested every few minutes and the results are sent to a remote data collection site. Court officials and/or probation officers can access the blood alcohol results and can take action when the defendant tests positive for alcohol. Naturally, these devices are tamper-resistant, and a defendant that tries to disable the sweat ankle monitor could face additional charges and have their bail revoked.

The Overall Addiction Issue

As a punishment, a sweat monitor might offer dubious success for only a portion of the population. For example, if the defendant was released on bail due to a DUI arrest and expects to be found innocent, it might help keep them alcohol-free long enough to have their case decided. Others may have made a regrettable decision to drink and drive, and the sweat monitor could make them more aware of the potential for a more serious problem with alcohol. Many of those arrested, however, are dealing with addiction problems that are not so easily remedied. For that reason, many courts order defendants to be evaluated for addiction issues and to attend addiction counseling after a DUI, in addition to wearing a sweat ankle monitor.

If you have been arrested for DUI, get a criminal defense attorney on your case as soon as you can. The use of this monitor and other deterrents and punishments can vary from place to place and from case to case. Speak to your DUI attorney, today.  
