Don't Be Confused: SSI And SSDI

There are two major government programs to help those who are too sick to work, and it's extremely easy to get them confused with each other. They actually have a few similarities, but they are aimed at entirely different people. One is more for workers, and one is for those who are low income. Read on to learn more about these two programs so that you'll know which one suits your situation the best. [Read More]

When Should You Hire A Traffic Violation Attorney?

It could have been a speeding ticket, a parking ticket, or some other instance that landed you with a traffic violation. Most of the time, these situations are easily resolved simply by paying a small fine. However, sometimes, a traffic violation can land you in some serious hot water. Many people who find themselves in a sticky situation with a traffic violation will grumble and suck it up, dealing with the consequences on their own. [Read More]

5 Common Violations Of An Elderly Patient's Rights That Deserve A Lawyer's Attention

It's easy to assume that you slowly lose your rights as a patient as you age, but this is far from the truth thanks to reform passed in the last few decades to reinforce the legal rights of elderly individuals. Just because you need help with basic tasks or are facing age-related mental and physical changes doesn't negate your rights to privacy, dignity, and autonomy. If you've recently encountered any of the common types of patient's rights violations listed below, you should know they're serious enough to warrant the attention of an elder care attorney. [Read More]