Hoverboards - Did You Place A Hazard Under Your Tree?

As the holidays are winding down, there may be a hazard in your home that you did not even anticipate. This hazard could possibly be one of the many toys your child received during this holiday season. In 2014, approximately 251,800 toy-related injuries were severe enough to warrant treatment in an Emergency room in this country. The toys that were associated with the most injuries in children under the age of 15 were non-motorized scooters, so what will happen when one of the hottest toys of the season is a self-balancing two-wheeled board? [Read More]

Why Would A Malpractice Lawyer Decline Taking A Case?

If you were injured during a medical procedure that resulted in lifelong health problems, you may want to talk to a medical malpractice lawyer to see what you can do about this. After hearing your story, the lawyer might decline accepting it. If this happens, don't give up; you should seek a second opinion from another lawyer. Here are some of the common reasons medical malpractice lawyers decline cases so that you can be prepared to overcome them. [Read More]

Birth Injury And Medical Malpractice: Dealing With Cerebral Palsy

Discovering that you are pregnant is often a joyous time, but it can also lead to feelings of anxiety as you wish for a healthy baby, which includes a healthy delivery. Although the risk is relatively small, birth injuries can and do occur. In the U.S. alone, approximately 28,000 birth injuries occur each year, some of which can lead to cerebral palsy. Fortunately, knowing how to handle cerebral palsy caused by a birth injury can help you better provide for your child. [Read More]

3 Ways to Protect Yourself from Debt Your Ex Owes During Your Divorce

One messy part of a divorce involves the division of debts. Once you agree as to how to settle the debt, you may each become responsible for certain debts, even if the debts are in both names. The problem with this is that if your ex does not pay the debts he or she is liable for, the creditors can come after you for it. This can put you in a bad position and can harm your credit, but there are steps you can take that may help prevent this from happening. [Read More]