Shoulder Replacement: What You Need To Know About A Recall

Suffering from arthritis in the shoulder can be a very painful way to live. Those dealing with this condition often opt for a shoulder replacement surgery to make life a bit easier. There are devices that can be placed into the shoulder that replaces the ball and socket so that you have less pain and more mobility. However, the recent recall of some of these devices is causing patients to have additional pain and further surgeries. The following is more information on shoulder replacements and how the recall has impacted the procedure:

How The Surgery Works

Patients with shoulder arthritis have it due to an injury. Torn rotator cuffs are the primary culprit that leads to painful arthritis. To repair this type of condition, patients can get a reverse shoulder replacement surgery.

A device is used that resembles the bone and socket that is naturally found in the body. It is a plastic cup that fits the upper arm and placed inside a metal ball. This ball is connected to the socket in the shoulder.

Why The Surgery Can Be Beneficial

This procedure relies on using the different muscles to move the arm with the device. The patient will have to learn to use the deltoid muscle instead of the rotator cuff to have proper arm motion.

Recalling The Devices

There has been recent recalls of some of the devices utilized in this procedure. Due to a high fracture rate, some manufacturers have removed the device. Patients using this particular device have experienced high rates of fractures than what is stated during pre-op. The fractures are also occurring at a higher rate than what the manufacturer disclosed.

In addition to fractures, additional problems have arisen from the recalled device. They include joint instability, nerve injuries, full or partial dislocation of the shoulder, and misalignment.

The FDA required a category Class 1 recall, the most urgent type there is. This type of recall is issued if there is an immediate and dire risk of danger or death associated with the product.

Dealing with a shoulder replacement can be difficult, particularly after the recovery. If you have had a recent implant in your shoulder, ask your doctor if your device was included in the recall, particularly if you are experiencing problems. If you have experienced any of these complications due to your shoulder replacement, be sure to contact your attorney to see what your options are as to possible lawsuits or class action settlements.
