When a single car accident occurs, the driver is usually the first person to be suspected. In many cases, the driver ends up being held liable for the damages. For example, when you crash into a guardrail, it may turn out that the driver was drunk or preoccupied with their phone. However, there are also cases where someone or something else is responsible for a single car accident. here are three examples of such cases:
If It's Caused by Vehicle Defects
Some vehicle defects can be traced back to the car owner while others are because of other people's actions. For example, if you fail to maintain your car properly or repair an issue after being advised to do so (say by your mechanic), then you will be held liable for any accident caused by the defect.
However, if the defect can be traced back to the manufacturer, dealership or mechanic, then the relevant party will be held liable for the damages. For example, a mechanic that performs shoddy work on a defective brake, and doesn't rectify the defect, will be responsible for damages stemming from the brake defect.
If It's Caused by Poor Road Conditions
Every motorist knows that poor road conditions can cause a car to crash. Examples of such conditions include poorly constructed road surfaces, missing roadside signs, and potholes can all cause accidents. Such kinds of accidents are rare, but they do happen. In case you are involved in such a crash, you may succeed in holding the negligent party (such as the relevant government authority tasked with maintaining that section of the road) responsible for your damages. Government bodies are typically immune from lawsuits, so consult a lawyer first before making a move.
Freak Weather
Sometimes freak weather changes may also cause single car accidents. For example, a sudden sinkhole can cause serious damage to your car. Other examples include flash floods, hurricanes, and tornadoes. You may be held liable for such an accident if it is proven that there is something you could have don't (maybe you could have reduced your speed) to avoid the accident. However, you may escape liability if you can prove that nothing (at least from your end) could have prevented the crash.
As with any other accident, don't admit liability in case you are involved in a single-car accident. leave the fault determination to accident investigators and the police. In case you believe someone else was liable for the accident, consult an auto accident lawyer, such as one from Randall A. Wolff & Associates, Ltd, to help you pursue your damages.